Last week I took a walk on the bike path along the Mohawk River. I tried to pay attention to the changes in the river since the weather turned cooler. First of all, the invasive water chestnuts that had chocked the shore were gone and the water ran freely. The reeds and the cattails were turning brown and struggling to stay upright in the Autumn wind. The geese were gathering close to shore; mallards too. An ice coating formed on the water. It was thin and subtle, but it foretold the coming of the winter. The water of the Mohawk would be stilled by the ice, resting from its labors. I love to watch the freeze-up process -  some years huge chunks of ice cover the river. 
Paying attention was the gift of the day. The river was speaking of this transition to winter; it told many tales. I love this river that braids through Schenectady. It has its story and mine is included with it. Tenonanatche is its native Mohawk name - "a river flowing through a mountain". Native names always relate to the character of the landform or river they name. So I am invited to find out - what mountain? I am invited to know the river's story. 

Do you have a kinship with the river or creek that flows near your home, in your town or city?


  1. I have a connection with the great Mullica River. Great memories of our Dad taking us "swimming" & fishing. I would go to rest & just listen. There is so much one can hear.

    1. My family home is 15 minutes from the Mullica. I share those memories. Thanks for your sharing!


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