There are many "rites" of summer! One of these is picking strawberries and enjoying all the tasty ways to enjoy them - shortcake, over ice cream, just cut and sugared, and right out of the field! I must say that this excitement about picking anything doesn't catch me right away. As an ol' farmer, any kind of picking is never about a few quarts for home use, but picking and packing for the market. So I need to reframe and get in the upbeat, I only need to fill this four-quart container mood!
Off we went to a local orchard. I won't mention the name because we had to pay a $5 cover charge and $6.73 a quart, which seemed a bit much since we couldn't use our own quarts but had to pick in theirs. No way was the container 4 quarts! We gave the benefit of the doubt to the farmer, because it's hard making a go of it!
 So then there's berry picking in times of Covid-19: don your mask and gloves and no eating in the field. I was hot and bothered, especially by the gloves and the fact that there was little straw in the patch which made it uncomfortable to kneel and pick. We quickly filled our containers and I cheated by eating in the field. As we brought the precious berries to the car I reflected on the thousands of farm laborers who work long days (not 40 minutes) and must wear masks, plastic gloves and plastic covers that must be very hot. When picking strawberries, they are bent over t machine which holds the containers and they must work quickly to pick and keep up with the machine - so no time for stretching or resting. My complaining seem hallow and spoiled! These workers don't even enjoy the fruits of their labors. So I vowed two things: 1. not to buy/eat strawberries out of season and 2. to pray for all who harvest our food.
As you enjoy the fruits of this season please join me in praying for those who do the hard work of harvesting! What is your favorite seasonal fruit or veggie?


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